
Sherwin Little

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I taught Latin and Greek for thirty years at the Indian Hill School district in suburban Cincinnati. At one point or another I taught everything from 5th grade through AP.  My retirement coincided with the opportunity to work for ACL and I am grateful for the opportunity! 
I have been involved in some way or another with ACL/JCL since 1974 when I was a JCLer at Athens High School in Ohio. I was Ohio JCL's 2nd Vice President, and I continued on into college. I served as NSCL's Secretary and Vice President.  I served NJCL as Constitutional Advisor for two years then Convention Advisor for eight. I picked up one additional year as Constitutional Advisor filling in an unexpired term. 
For ACL I served as Vice President and then as President, the first K-12 teacher to serve as ACL President.